Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Moyashimon-Tales of Agriculture

I can never deny the allure of strange, untapped ideas that produce something as fresh and quirky as Moyashimon.

The main character is a fairly typical college student who just so happens to possess the ability to see microbes with the naked eye. To him alone they are cute little critters bursting with personality, though the science and educational aspects of this are still present and not exaggerated. Yes, it's quite possible you might actually learn something.

Don't worry, this isn't some boring edutainment science anime, most of it is played for laughs, or rather, taken so seriously that you can't help but guffaw. It's kind of hard to compare it to anything, really, besides maybe Yakitate Japan. That had sort of a similar conceit where the main character had his own obscure super power--Solar Hands, the ability to make bread ferment with your bare hands. And in the same way it's a carefully guarded ability that could change the world, no matter how silly that may sound.
It definitely sounds like a lot to swallow, I'll give you that, but in a season like this, what's the alternative? Everything is just the same old song half the time, giant robots this, school romances that.

I'll probably talk about one of those soon enough in length.

In the mean time, don't be afraid of the strange.

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