Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hey mister, put the cartoons back on!

The typical Japanese anime blog is a simple creature. Review shows by the week, cater to a certain audience and demographic that's in line with your tastes, and post pretty pictures.

The extraordinary bloggers at least from my point of view fall somewhere between just having a sophisticated persona with a refined taste and just having a great sense of humor. Ideally, though rarely, both of these qualities are present in full force, though either one alone usually shows the mark of a great writer regardless.

If I'm funny, it's only when I do so without realizing it. So I'll cut to the chase: if there's anything I want out of this it's to be informative. I want people to think, "hey, I follow the same shows as Circumcised, he must have a pretty good idea of what's worth watching."

And that'll do.

For all the pedophiles and lolicons out there, this is the wrong blog for you. Typically I follow more serious, mature, and somewhat intellectually driven dramas like the politically charged cyber punk Ghost in the Shell or the psychological thriller Monster, so you won't find any school girls or magical girls or highschool romances or any of that drivel that plagues the medium.

As for the structure of the blog, I'm not entirely sure yet. I am sure I'll initially talk about the few shows this season worth viewing in my opinion. I may do retrospectives on some of my all time favorites, or off the cuff rants on certain phenomena or inerasable memes in anime.

Or hell, I'll update it twice and move on to bigger and better things.

Like watching cartoons.

1 comment:

Lizzy Dizzy said...

what is up with that type of show i never understood that type of show