Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ghost Hound

Ghost Hound can be kind of a tough nut to crack at first. Most people will come away from the first episode just wondering what the hell they just watched.

I would know, that's exactly what I said. The writers definitely keep you in the dark for a little too long as to just what the main conceit of the show is and what exactly is going on.

But ultimately by the third or fourth episode when it finally gives up the ghost so to speak it becomes very approachable and enjoyable.

Without spoiling anything, it centers around three boys linked together by traumas they've experienced but never come to terms with. Taro and his sister were both kidnapped as small children. Only Taro survived the ordeal. He hardly even remembers it but he constantly has strange dreams that he tries to relate to his therapist. Makoto has been in the dark his entire life as to why his father committed suicide, and Masayuki has always felt responsible for the death of a classmate he used to bully. All of this is tied together by the supernatural angle which I won't give away, although I will say that with it they throw in a lot of terminology and theories related to therapy, memory, and neurology. So in a way like Moyashimon it's vaguely educational.

Even if you're not entirely sure what you're looking at, it's pure bliss even just to listen to the show in HD with stereo headphones or surround sound if you have it. There is some pretty remarkable sound editing that goes straight to your brain and puts you right in the thick of the show's often mesmeric imagery.

The pacing can be pretty slow. Although the characters are participating in extraordinary activities, life still goes on more or less as usual otherwise. They have goals and things they want to better achieve and understand but in a way it takes a fairly realistic approach to that angle of it.

It's a solid show, but it's not for everyone. Just don't get too frustrated that "nothing is happening" when you should just enjoy it even merely the feel of the series in your brain.

1 comment:

Desception said...

Thanks for the ghost hound episode!

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